A-Z Information



Yarralumla Primary School encourages well planned and integrated camp programs for Years 3-6. Year 3 students attend an overnight camp at Birrigai – ACT Education's Outdoor School. Years 4 to 6 students attend a three day camp alternating between the Outdoor Challenge Program at Cooba near Berridale or Tathra Coastlife Camp which focuses on surf safety and bush skills. Each camp experience extends children's learning experiences in Science, Mathematics, Geography, the Environment and Language.


The school's canteen is run by the P&C and operates each Friday during lunch from 11.10am to 11.50am. It offers a variety of snacks and light lunches and holds special lunch days during the term. The viability of the canteen relies on volunteers as it is not run as a profit making enterprise.

Carnivals – Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming

Yarralumla Primary School holds three sports carnivals per year. These include Swimming in Term 1, Cross Country in Term 2 and Athletics in Term 3. Each student age 8 and above may qualify to compete against students from other schools at district and ACT levels. 

Class Organisation

The school is designed for one-teacher classrooms. Yarralumla has a mixture of single grade levels and multi-age classes in any given year. As students develop at different stages, all classes have a range of development levels and abilities. Teachers are trained to work with multi-age groups. Careful consideration is given to the placement of students in classes. There is considerable interaction between classes at all year levels and throughout the school. Flexible learning areas, including the Hall, Gym, Library and Giardino (Garden) are used to support this interaction. Classes are given class names each year in relation to a selected learning theme.

Class Placements and Sizes

Careful consideration is given to the placement of students in classes. Class sizes are based on the ACT Education Directorate's staffing formula of 1 teacher to 21 students in years K-3 and 1 teacher to 30 students in years 4-6. Generally all classes at Yarralumla cluster around 21 students. Wherever possible, students are placed in classes for the following year near the end of the previous year. This placement is carried out by teachers working as an informed team. There are both single and multi-aged classes as schools are staffed on the overall number of children and not the number of children at each year level. Parents are encouraged to inform the Principal in writing should they have particular requests or issues about placement.


Parents/Carers are always welcome to visit the school. The main forms of communication from school to the home include:

Good school/parent communication is vital. Our school has an open door policy. If you have a concern or issue to discuss, please come to school and discuss the matter with us personally. We encourage you to arrange a mutually convenient time with the class teacher and/or an executive teacher if necessary.

Community Partnership

The school benefits from parent expertise through their participation in Parent / Teacher Partnership Focus Groups whose goals are aligned to the School's Operational Plan. These groups are: Italian Language Policy and Curriculum, Sustainability, Integration of ICTs, Special events and Supporting Students with Additional Needs. They meet at least twice a term on afternoons after school and follow a clear agenda and set of goals to enable achievement of the school's priorities.

The school also benefits from the generous support of members of the community making donations to the school of money, goods, services and time, such contributions reinforcing the partnerships on which our school is built. Please contact the Principal if you think your business or organisation could make a contribution to the school community.


A school counsellor is based at the school every Monday. School counsellors are experienced teachers with skills and knowledge in psychology, assessment, counselling and guidance. They work jointly with teachers, administrators, parents and others from the wider community to support children with learning and social/emotional needs. Contact the school counsellor through the School Office.