Our Community

Parent Partnerships

The school encourages and values parental and family involvement wherever this is possible.

Early each year children and families are welcomed by the Parents and Citizens' social occasion.

Parents are welcome to participate in school activities, and are invited to the weekly assemblies, concerts, performances, sports carnivals and other special events.

In recent years, parents have coached sports teams, run specialist lessons (for example, science, maths or cultural experience sessions), and have led the shared reading program.

Assistance in the library, with children's reading, attending working bees, helping in the canteen each Friday, being a P&C parent class representative, joining in on 'focus days', and lending a helping hand with transport for excursions are always welcome.

Parents and Citizens' Association

The P&C meets twice a term, and works in small committees responsible for fundraising, operation of the canteen, sale of school clothing, the After School Club, social events and community relations. 

In addition to formal committee participation, the P&C has initiated a 'class parent representative' structure, which helps foster the links between the Association and class groups, and also with play group lists for the younger ones.

School Board

The School Board is made up of three elected parent members, two elected staff members, the Principal and a Departmental representative.

The Board is responsible for formulating and approving policies, under Departmental guidelines, which directly affect children in the school, and participates in the development and approval of changes to the school's curriculum. It is also responsible for implementing and overseeing the school budget.

Policies on school philosophy, management of student behaviour, homework, reporting, gender equity, excursions, school sport and other topics are available for parental perusal.

Family Contributions

Families are asked to pay a voluntary school contribution each year.

Children also purchase stationery packs at the beginning of the school year.